Bleisure Travel Company S.p.A.
About us
Bleisure Travel Company
About us
In both Business Travel and Leisure, you can always count on us
The “S.p.A.” at the end of Bleisure Travel Company’s name stands for “società per azioni”, which is a type of Italian joint-stock company. It was founded by prominent figures from the business world who specialize in a field they truly love: tourism. Bringing together this group of hugely experienced experts sparked an urge to satisfy a previously unheeded demand in the Italian tourism market: for prompt, thorough business travel management offering not only favourable conditions but also significant benefits for staff and their families, in the shape of dedicated leisure solutions.
For modern companies that care about employee benefits, it has become essential to forge ever closer ties between business travel and leisure. As an innovative business, Bleisure Travel Company S.p.A. reflects the new market trends that see BLEISURE as the future of tourism.
Bleisure Travel Company is the obvious choice for companies that espouse this new outlook on work trips and constantly strive to enhance the quality of life and well-being of their staff.
We can make your leisure and business really take off!

A host of services
to suit all needs
More than just a travel agency, at Bleisure Travel Company we provide genuine travel experiences for all of our customers.
Business Travel
La divisione Business Travel cura l’organizzazione logistica ed economica dei viaggi aziendali e delle trasferte di lavoro e gestisce tutte le esigenze di business travel management semplificando i processi operativi ed ottimizzando i costi delle trasferte.
Viaggiare per noi è una passione ma anche un’esigenza.
Trasmettere questa passione ai nostri ospiti realizzando i loro sogni e soddisfare le loro aspettative è la nostra missione.
Biglietteria internazionale etnica
Offriamo la possibilità alle persone di altre nazionalità che vogliono recarsi nel loro paese d’origine di usufruire di tariffe dedicate grazie ad accordi commerciali con le compagnie aeree.

Our mission is to change the world of travel
We feel both a passion and a need for travel. We can discover a little more about ourselves when we explore the world, embrace new cultures, feel the warm sand of exotic beaches under our feet and walk through canyons or deserts.
Without experiences like these, everyday life can become dull and repetitive, quickly leading to boredom. Fuelling the hunger for discovery is an absolute necessity for real travellers and explorers. Giving your staff concrete travel opportunities can motivate them, boost their self-confidence and self-assurance, make them more inquisitive and help to establish a calmer atmosphere, thus improving their productivity and output at work.
Businesses today need to retain talent and a part in this can be played by providing assistance and benefits that meet the requirements of staff and make their lives easier and happier. We can pave the way to success on this front by making travel experiences simpler and more engaging.
Our mission is to convey this vision to our customers, help them to offer added benefits and cut travel costs for the members of their management teams.
Where we are
We’re based at 43a Via Giorgio Stephenson, in a vibrant area of Milan. We’re always happy to welcome clients to our offices and discuss business with them.
However, when we say “Where we are”, we’re also referring to the area covered by our services. Thanks to our innovative systems, we can offer travel solutions for short, medium and long distances at great prices that are highly competitive compared to the big agencies in the field. We have a totally unique range of services, which are mainly provided online.
Companies that sign partnership agreements with Bleisure Travel Company can use them to:

Organize and book travel for their staff
quickly and easily

Organize family holidays

Would you like more information about the deal with Bleisure S.p.A.?
Contact us and one of our managers will get back to you as soon as possible.